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樸居提供齊全的洗碗機用品,包括洗碗珠、洗碗粉、洗碗凝膠、亮碟劑、洗機劑等等。Finish亮碟是全球第一的洗碗機用品品牌,產品於歐洲製造,獲得米勒、西門子、博世、伊萊克斯等著名電器品牌的推薦。 我們亦提供著名品牌廚具。 本店持有效商業登記,商品皆為正貨,請放心選購。 「顧客至上,以誠待人」是本店的經營理念。 公司地址:香港灣仔盧押道11-13號修頓商業大廈19樓 電話:67588714 (歡迎WhatsApp查詢產品及購物詳情) Simply Casa offers a full range of dishwasher products including dishwasher tablets, dishwasher powder, dishwasher gel, dishwasher rinse aid, dishwasher detergent, etc. Finish is the World's No. 1 dishwasher product brand, manufactured in Europe and recommended by leading appliance brands such as Miele, Siemens, Bosch and Electrolux. We also offer famous brands of kitchenware. We have a valid business registration and all our products are genuine, so please feel free to shop with confidence. "Customer first, treating people with honesty" is our business philosophy. Address: 19/F, Southern Commercial Building, 11-13 Luard Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel/WhatsApp: 67588714 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/simplycasahk Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simplycasahk